New US nuclear radiation detectors

Radoseeker, a handheld nuclear radiation detector from Smithson, has passed the test conducted by the US government and has been certified by the Department of Homeland Security's National Nuclear Radiation Detection Office (DNDO) Production and deployment. The National Nuclear Radiation Detection Office will formulate a deployment plan within a few weeks and will issue a delivery contract.

RadSeeker is the next generation of handheld nuclear radiation detection and identification devices jointly developed by Smith Detection and the National Nuclear Radiation Detection Office to eliminate the effects of background information such as natural radiation or common radioactive materials, and to distinguish between radioactive nuclear threats.

The device has advanced performance, small size, durability and strong, and with a communication function (which can communicate with the satellite phone).

The device is suitable for a variety of occasions to support civil and first-person search operations and to assist port and border inspectors in inspecting containers, containers and vehicles in response to special nuclear materials and "dirty bombs" Threatening.

     For many renowned production companies in these areas the  Junhong represents quality, precision, intelligence, and customer orientation. Junhong Coal And Cement Metal Detector  adopts advanced technology in the world. Advanced technology  protects our detectors from the effects of electrical interference, vibration, case flexing, and case shock from cold conditions.  The result is superior sensitivity in any environment. These types of metal detectors offers very high sensitivity and widely useful in Coal Handling Plants, Paper Mills, Thermal Power Plants, Cement industries and Lime stones. Junhong manufactures the broadest range of metal detectors in the industry.

Coal And Cement Metal Detector

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