Scientific application method of potassium fertilizer

1. Fertilize the soil. Potassium fertilizer has no special requirements on soil. Generally speaking, soils such as sandy soil and red loam soil are more potassium-deficient, and the effect of applying potassium fertilizer is more significant.

2. Fertilize the crop. Potassium crops such as legume green manure, bananas, potatoes, tobacco leaves, etc. require more potassium, and the application of potassium fertilizer also has a significant effect, which not only improves yield, but also improves crop quality. The general crop seedling stage is the critical period of potassium, which is most sensitive to potassium deficiency. Therefore, potassium fertilizer is generally used as a base fertilizer, especially for crops with short developmental stages. The mobility of potassium in soil is smaller than that of nitrogen. Potassium fertilizer must be applied to the soil layer with the strongest root distribution to facilitate crop absorption.

3. Fertilization due to climate. Potassium fertilizer efficiency is related to climate. When low temperature, crops often lack potassium, and potassium application has a good effect.

4. Cooperate with other fertilizers. The effect of potash fertilizer efficiency and other fertilizer supply conditions, only nitrogen fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer can be coordinated supply, and the application of potassium fertilizer has a good effect. The use of potassium-rich organic fertilizers can reduce the amount of potassium fertilizer.

(Source: Sichuan Science and Technology News)
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Friction Welding Machine

Friction Welding Machine is used for welding of homogeneous metals or different metals, which are connected by the friction welding with heat. The two work pieces are rubbed together with mechanical rotary motion and axial pressure (friction pressure). Heat will be generated during that course and the working pieces will be then heated to plastic state. The rotary motion will then stop and the machine will place a greater pressure (forge force) on the pieces at a certain duration. As result, the contact surface of work pieces will be connected.

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