The 1550mm cold rolling mill developed by China Color Science and Technology for Taiwan Hui Aluminum passed the inspection and acceptance

A few days ago, the 1550mm aluminum strip cold rolling mill designed and supplied by China Color Science and Technology for Taiwan Taihui Aluminum Co., Ltd., under the joint efforts of both parties, the formal test run was successful. All the indicators met the contract requirements and passed the test successfully. Accepted and delivered for use.

It is reported that the 1150mm cold rolling mill of Taiwan Hui Aluminum Co., Ltd. is the first high-speed aluminum strip cold rolling mill sold in the overseas market by China National Science and Technology Corporation. Its smooth operation marks the development of the Chinese color technology equipment development business in overseas markets. A solid step was taken and valuable experience accumulated. It also laid a good foundation for the successful implementation of China Overseas Technology's overseas strategy.

Container House On Wheels

Container House on wheels mobile home
The container house we see every day are installed directly in a certain position and cannot be dragged at will. However, container houses on wheels are more suitable for flexible applications. They are small and easy to construct, and they are convenient for activities. Especially now many retailers, motels, and herdsmen on the prairie will also use this kind of container house, and its advantages are also obvious.

Wide range of applications
Because the container house on wheels can be moved and expanded (Expandable Container House can be installed on the trailer) and the size and specifications can be customized, so it solves the requirements of many businesses that need store movement. Especially in many places where certificates are required for building houses, it is very suitable for this kind of movable small house. It has a wide range of applications and can also be made into various granny houses, small supermarkets, cold drink halls, dining halls, etc. It is practical and can also be According to the needs of different industries for construction and use.

Although most of the containers have fixed sizes and specifications, in fact, container houses can be customized according to the needs, and the sizes and specifications can also be determined according to the needs. Especially if you want to use the container house as a bedroom, meeting room, etc., you can choose some large-sized containers and directly match it with a partition. This is convenient for daily use, simple interior decoration, and its practicality is also very good of.

Price concessions
Compared with other types of houses, the price of container houses on wheels is still very favorable, especially because many containers are recycled for secondary use, the cost is low, the construction is convenient, and the price/performance ratio is also very good. Therefore, if you want to choose a cost-effective container house, you only need to contact a regular manufacturer for cooperation. Custom container houses are also very cost-effective.
Now there are many manufacturers that can provide us with customized processing services for container houses on wheels. We only need to clarify our needs and then contact the manufacturer for customization. Moreover, the manufacturer will also provide us with good after-sales service, and the long-term use of high-quality container houses is also guaranteed.

Container House On Wheels,Mobile Home,Tiny House On Wheels,Container Home On Wheels

Henan Jinming Metal Material Co., Ltd. ,